After Lazarus was raised, some who were there put their faith in Jesus. But more likely he was hurting with his friends-feeling the pain they were experiencing. Some have suggested that he was agonizing over the unbelief of the crowd. We don’t know why Jesus wept, knowing that Lazarus was going to be raised. Jesus’ comment to her in John 11:25 reveals he was trying to teach people that he was more than a great teacher and healer. Martha had trouble fully understanding what Jesus was capable of doing, despite her great faith in him. When Jesus said they would then go to Lazarus in Bethany near Jerusalem, even though the religious leaders in Jerusalem were out to get Jesus, the disciples must’ve suspected that something dramatic was going to happen! Jesus had predicted the raising of Lazarus in John 11:4, so it must’ve surprised the disciples when two days later Jesus said Lazarus was dead. So we can assume that Lazarus was closer to Jesus than the scarcity of references to him would show. In addition, John 11:3 speaks of Lazarus as the one Jesus loved John 11:5 shows that Jesus loved Mary and Martha as well. However, his sisters, Mary and Martha, are mentioned several times, and Jesus visited their house frequently. In the Bible, Lazarus is mentioned only in John 11 and 12. Bible Background: John 11:1-45 Who Was Jesus to Lazarus-and the Disciples? Use this lesson to assure them that because of Jesus, death is never final for those who believe in him. As you touch on the subject of death in this lesson, kids may be familiar with the topic through the death of their pets or family members. Young children are more interested in the present than they are in the abstract future. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.
Use this free Sunday school lesson with kids from FaithWeaver Now to help children have hope in Jesus through the story of raising Lazarus from the dead.

Sunday School Lesson: Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead